Grandview FFA
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Students engaged in the Poultry Development Event learn to effectively make comparative
observations, generalizations to the poultry industry, draw conclusions and make decisions.
Students must apply USDA standards and make qualitative judgments concerning eggs, live birds,
carcasses and further processed poultry products. Students learn foundational knowledge and master
basic skills related to the poultry and food industries

A. Team Make-up
Three or four individuals per school form a team. All members will be scored and the top three
scores will count towards the team total.
B. Event Schedule
1.  Participants will have 12 minutes to evaluate each class.
2.  There will be a two-minute warning alerting the participants of the impending end of the 12
minute period.
3.  Participants will have one minute to move from class to class.
C. Evaluation Classes
1.  Live Poultry (100 points)
a.  Each participant will place a class of four market broilers. Each participant will be permitted
to “handle” the birds, as long as the birds are inspected in a professional and humane manner.
Participants may not remove the broilers from the holding unit.
b.  Each participant will place a class of four egg-type hens. The birds will be Single-Comb White
Leghorns, or commercial strains of Leghorn-type (inbred cross). The birds may have trimmed beaks.
Each participant will be permitted to “handle” the birds, as long as the birds are inspected in a
professional and humane manner. Birds may be removed from coops but there may be no side by side
c.  Live Poultry Points
•     Market broilers……..50
•     Egg-type hens……. 50
2.  Ready-to-Cook Poultry (100 points)
a.  Each participant will grade a class of 10 ready-to-cook chicken and/or turkey carcasses and/or
parts. Criteria for grading will be derived from USDA standards for chicken carcasses weighing two
pounds to six pounds and for turkey carcasses weighing six pounds to 16 pounds. Four categories may
be used, including the USDA quality grades A, B, C and the category NG (non- gradable).
Participants may not touch any carcass or part; doing so will result in disqualification. If used,
the shackle holding a carcass may be rotated to
show the entire carcass.

b.  Each participant will place a class of four ready-to-cook turkey carcasses. Criteria for
placing will be derived from USDA standards for turkey carcasses weighing six pounds to 16 pounds.
Participants may not touch any carcass; doing so will result in disqualification. If used, the
shackle holding a carcass may be rotated to show the entire carcass.
c.  Ready-to-Cook Poultry Points
•    10 chicken and/or turkey carcasses and/or parts for quality grading….….50
•    Four carcasses for placing………… 50
3.  Shell Eggs (175 points)
a.  Each participant will grade a class of 10 white (or white-tint)-shell eggs. Criteria for
grading will be derived from USDA standards for interior quality of market eggs. The USDA quality
grades will be AA, A, B and Loss. Participants must candle the eggs to determine the appropriate
USDA quality grade, but improper handling of eggs will result in disqualification.
b.  Each participant will grade a class of 15 shell eggs. Criteria for grading will be derived from
USDA standards for exterior quality of market eggs. The USDA quality grades will be AA/A, B and NG
(non-gradable). Criteria for grading may include decisions related to the following quality
factors: Soundness (unbroken, check, dented check or leaker); Stains (slight/moderate stain or
prominent stain); Adhering Dirt or Foreign Material; Egg Shape (approximately normal shape, unusual
or decidedly misshapen); Shell Texture (large calcium deposits, body check or pronounced ridges);
Shell Thickness (pronounced thin spots); No Defect.
c. Each participant will determine written factors for the grading of the exterior chicken eggs.
The written factors will relate to the criteria used for grading exterior quality of eggs.
d.   Shell Eggs Points
•     Ten white-shell eggs for interior quality grading ………50
•     Fifteen chicken eggs for exterior quality grading……… 75
•     Evaluation criteria for Class 8 ……………………………50
4.  Further Processed Poultry (150 points)
a.  Each participant will determine written quality factors for a class of 10 boneless further
processed poultry meat products (e.g. precooked, poultry meat patties, tenders, nuggets or other
boneless products). Criteria for evaluation will include coating defects, color defects,
consistency of shape/size, broken and/or incomplete products, cluster/marriages and evidence of
foreign material. Participants may not touch any product; doing so will result in disqualification.
b.  Each participant will determine written quality factors for a class of 10 bone-in further
processed poultry meat products (e.g., precooked, bone-in wings or other bone-in poultry meat
products). Criteria for evaluation will include coating defects, color defects, consistency of
size, broken products, miscut products, mixed products and evidence of foreign material.
Participants may not touch any product; doing so will result in disqualification.

c.  Each participant will identify 10 poultry parts. Poultry parts to be identified will
be randomly selected and consistent with those used in the chicken processing and merchandising
industries. The participant may not touch any part; doing so will result in disqualification.
d.  Further Processed Poultry Points
•    Boneless Further Processed Poultry Meat Products ……50
•    Bone-In Further Processed Poultry Meat Products ……..50
•    Ten chicken carcass parts for identification ……………...50
5.  Poultry Management Written Exam (120 points)
a.  The written examination will be administered during the rotation.
b.  Each participant will complete a 30 item written examination on poultry production, management,
anatomy and physiology. Five or more items will require mathematical calculations. Exam material
will follow the rotation for the National Exam. Examination items will be developed from
information found in the references.
c.  Written Exam Points
•                                     n……. 120


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